Vintage Styling Service

If you would like advice on how to style your event and also some help in preparing it all, then we offer a personalised, bespoke service.   With so many different aspects to an event sometimes it can be quite overwhelming.  We work with some of the most fabulous venues in North Devon and know the owners personally. This means we have had a change to visit their venues and talk about how our service can work them. 

We have experience in preparing events for over 300 guests professionally in both a hotel, marquee or garden party.  We can offer you advice on how to style your tables, decorations, even the type of props that would be suitable.  Whether you are holding a 1940s Victory Party, Vintage Wedding or Alice in Wonderland Tea Party for children just ask!

For a small charge of £50 we will meet with you at your chosen event and discuss how you can utilise the room to your best advantage and discuss what props you can hire from us, or we can obtain for you to suit your era or theme. The day before when delivering the items you are hiring from us we will stay and help you style and put your room together to ensure EVERYTHING is in place.  

The above price is negotiable if you are booking our china, props or afternoon tea catering.